The Tree of Life as Symbol of Knowledge

The Tree of Life as Symbol of Knowledge

One of the most interesting aspects of the Tree of Life is its recurrence in different cultures and in different ages all across the globe.

From Ancient Iran to China, from North America to Armenia and Ancient Egypt, the Tree of Life and its rich symbolism has traveled time and space, being known today as one of the most important concepts in various fields, such as theology, mythology, and philosophy, but also biology, and many more.

In most of these different religions, belief systems, and mythologies, the Tree of Life stands as a symbol of knowledge, because it’s the connector of the heavens and the underworld. This is why some call it the 'tree of knowledge' or the 'cosmic tree' because it connects all forms of creations.

Tree of Life Quote

It’s safe to say that the symbolic meaning of the Tree of Life derives from the very concrete appearance of a tree, with its roots forging deep underground, and the branches reaching for the infinite skies.

On psychological terms, the Tree of Life is the bridge between the conscious and subconscious, allowing you to access the infinite knowledge from the subconscious mind and getting connected to the source of all creation at the same time.

tree of life
"The Tree unites Heaven and Earth and gives comfort to all..."


Besides representing knowledge, the Tree of Life also stands as the power to bestow essential vital qualities, such as health or fertility and even immortality. Ancient Egyptians referred to the Tree of Life as the 'tree in which life and death are enclosed.'

In Buddhism, Buddha himself stood under the magic tree and attained enlightenment; whereas, in the Chinese mythology, a story tells of an extraordinary tree that produced a peach every 3000 years, and whoever ate it received the gift of immortality.

In Christianity, the Tree of Life represents the natural, immaculate state of humanity, also considered the love of God.

No matter whether you wish to embrace wisdom or the power of knowledge in your life, get connected to the source and become your true self. The Tree of Life should always follow you closely to guide your steps in life.