Purple Heart Day 2022: A Celebration of Courage, Strength, and Sacrifice

Purple Heart Day 2022: A Celebration of Courage, Strength, and Sacrifice

Purple Heart Day is a time for Americans to come together and recognize the courage, strength, and sacrifice of those who have received the Purple Heart. This special day gives us an opportunity to honor all those who have received this distinguished medal. There are nearly 1 million living recipients of the Purple Heart across the United States today. Purple Heart Day can be observed as early as February and as late as June each year -- it just depends on where you live and which school district you attend (or if you homeschool your child). Regardless of which month you observe Purple Heart Day in your area, this special day gives us all a chance to learn more about the men and women who have been awarded this medal.

Who Can Participate?

Anyone can participate in Purple Heart Day. This special day honors all recipients of the Purple Heart medal. Typically, the recipients are military personnel who have been wounded or killed in combat, but the Purple Heart can also be awarded to military personnel who have suffered a disease that has been contracted in a combat zone. In some situations, civilians who are involved in an accident (even a car accident) that has been caused by a driver who was intoxicated can also be awarded the Purple Heart. In other words, anyone who has made a significant sacrifice for the good of our country can be awarded the Purple Heart medal.

Why Celebrate Purple Heart Day?

The Purple Heart is one of the most significant medals in the United States. It is awarded to those who have shown extreme courage and sacrifice for our country. Although it is a medal that is worn with pride, there are also many misconceptions about the Purple Heart. To celebrate Purple Heart Day, we can learn more about the history of the Purple Heart and the men and women who have been awarded this medal in the past and today. We can also observe this special day by organizing a local event, such as a ceremony or a gathering. The Purple Heart medal is given to those who have been wounded or killed, or who have contracted a disease while serving in the U.S. military. This special day gives us all an opportunity to learn more about the Purple Heart medal and the men and women who have been awarded this medal in the past and present. We can also observe this special day by organizing a local event, such as a ceremony or a gathering.

Activities for Purple Heart Day

- If your child’s school or your child’s class observes Purple Heart Day, invite a veteran to attend the school or class and learn more about their story. You can also invite a military member to visit your child’s class via Skype. - If your child’s school doesn’t observe Purple Heart Day, you can still observe this special day at home. You can find books about the Purple Heart medal and the men and women who have been awarded this medal in the past and present. You can also read books about heroes and soldiers who have sacrificed for our country. - Organize a gathering where you can share stories about the Purple Heart medal and the men and women who have been awarded this medal in the past and present. You can also organize a gathering where you can collect donations to send to the local VA hospital or Wounded Warrior Project.

A Brief History of the Purple Heart

The Purple Heart medal has a long and storied history. It was created during the American Revolution to recognize soldiers who were wounded or killed in combat. George Washington created the award, and the medal was made from silk cloth and decorated with purple ribbons. The silk was used because it was a rare and valuable commodity during the war. The Purple Heart medal was originally called the Badge of Military Merit. In 1932, the name of the medal was changed to the Purple Heart. The Purple Heart is awarded to soldiers who have been wounded or killed, or who have contracted a disease while serving in the U.S. military. There are nearly 1 million living recipients of the Purple Heart across the United States today.


The Purple Heart is a medal that is worn with pride. It is awarded to those who have shown extreme courage and sacrifice for our country. The Purple Heart is one of the most significant medals in the United States, and it can be awarded to anyone -- both civilian and military personnel -- who has made a significant sacrifice for the good of our country.

In honor of Purple Hearts Day, you can watch Netflix Purple Heart movie.