What is the Significance of Birthstones?

You may have seen people wearing birthstone jewelry to accompany the month of their birth. A birthstone can have a great significance for individuals and their popularity dates back hundreds, if not, thousands of years.

Many civilizations believed that wearing their birthstones would help them to unlock amazing powers such as future wealth, luck, and ongoing positive health. While many historical figures and powerful people throughout history have worn birthstones, there are a number of people that continued this tradition today as well.

With birthstones, each corresponding month has its own individual birthstone but there are some exceptions. June, October, November, and December have multiple birthstones, whereas the rest of the months have just a single birthstone.

In the past, the color of the stone was the most important feature for unlocking the power of a birthstone. Today however, through technology, we can easily distinguish between similar stones such as Ruby and Garnet. As a result, the American Gem Society has outlined and endorsed a list of birthstones for each month. Each of these birthstones represents a different meaning or significance.

Here is a list of the top birthstones and their meaning.


garnet gemstone

Garnet - Constancy and Loyalty
The Garnet, is tough to keep the wearer safe during travel.



amethyst gemstone

Amethyst - Sincerity and Peace
The Aquamarine, was thought to cure heart, liver, and stomach diseases all one had to do was drink and water in which the gem had been soaking. Early sailors believed that aquamarine talismans, etched with the likeness of the sea god Neptune, protected them against ocean dangers.


aquamarine gemstone
Aquamarine - Courage and Health
The Aquamarine, was thought to cure heart, liver, and stomach diseases all one had to do was drink and water in which the gem had been soaking. Early sailors believed that aquamarine talismans, etched with the likeness of the sea god Neptune, protected them against ocean dangers.


diamond gemstone
Diamond - Innocence and Love
The  Diamond, in addition to being a symbol of everlasting love, was once thought to bring courage. In Sanskrit, the diamond is called "vajra", which also means lightning; in Hindu mythology, vajra was the weapon of Indra the king of gods.


emerald gemstone
Emerald - Happiness and Fertility
The Emerald, was once of Cleopatra's favorite gems. It has long been associated with fertility, rebirth, and love. Ancient Romans went so far as to dedicate this stone to Venus, the goddess of love and beauty. Today, it is  thought that emeralds signify wisdom, growth, and patience.


pearl and alexandrite gemstone
Pearl and Alexandrite - Balance and Joy
The Pearl, has long been a symbol of purity. The ancient Greeks believed that pearls were the hardened tears of joy from Aphrodite, the goddess of love.


ruby gemstone
Ruby - Nobility and Beauty
The Ruby, was regarded by Ancient Hindus as the "king of gems". It was believed to protect its wearer from evil. Today, the ruby's deep-red color signifies love and passion.


peridot gemstone
Peridot - Felicity and Protection
The Peridot, symbolizes strength. It is sometimes called the evening emerald for its light green color. It was once believed that the green peridot crystals found in volcanic ashes were the tears of the volcano goddess, Pele. When set in gold, this gem was said to protect the wearer from nightmares.  


sapphire gemstone
Sapphire - Wisdom and Calmness
The Sapphire, was once thought to guard against evil and poisoning. It was believed that a venomous snake would die if placed in a vessel made of sapphire. Traditionally a favorite stone of priests and kings, the sapphire symbolizes purity and wisdom. 


tourmaline and opal gemstone
Tourmaline and Opal - Balance and Endurance
The Opal, symbolizes faithfulness and confidence. The word comes from the Latin opalus, meaning "precious jewel". Necklaces with opals set in them were worn to repel evil and to protect eyesight.


citrine and topaz gemstone
Citrine and Topaz - Friendship and Strength
The Topaz, symbolizes love and affection. It is believed to give the wearer increased strength and intellect.


zircon tanzanite turquoise gemstone
Zircon, Tanzanite, Turquoise - Wisdom and Wealth
Turquoise, is regarded as a love charm. It is also a symbol of good fortune and success, and it is believed to relax the mind and to protect its wearer from harm. Turquoise rings, in particular, are thought to keep away evil spirits.
Keep these meanings in mind for your next jewelry piece or when giving gifts to loved ones. Birthstones can be beautiful as well as powerful if history has any indication.